Mr. Miyagi's Revenge

Created by trinasi (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 6/7/2021
Number of attempts: 286
Number of wins: 251
Number of likes: 41
Record holder: jandrew in 9 turns on 6/9/2021


You are Mr. Miyagi you helped to train people in California. You have returned to your home land of Okinawa, and now you find that it is overrun with Yakuza and there are Zombies in mainland Japan. so you are leading your homeland to fight Japan and win your freedom from them. You have to defeat the Yakuza, the Zombes, the Shogun who has recently overthrown the emperor again, and finnally you have to defeat the the original inhabitants of Japan, the Ainu people.