America: Civil War 2001

Created by trinasi (all)
State: Public
AI: Cowzow
Went public on 6/7/2021
Number of attempts: 211
Number of wins: 105
Number of likes: 19
Record holder: Riccardo Bertelli in 10 turns on 6/7/2021


Alternate history in which the 1990's lead to massive revolution and nationalism at the state level, centered in the North American Continent. In this ALT-HIST the government over-reach of the 90's and large profice government operations that resulted in innocent people being killed for faulty information leads to large scale rioting in many capitals throughout America, This comes to a head in 1995 when Quebec votes to become independant, the election is contested by both Canada and Quebec as having voter fraud influence the election but Quebec moves towards independance, this sparks the idea in many Americans minds that they could do this also. The first state to vote for independance is Texas. In 1998 the Free republic of Texas becomes a nation, soon to follow is Florida, in this history due to the public consciousness of government oppression backed by what they view as both the main parties, they elected a third party candidate with veilled fascistic policies. America refused to recognise that these nations where independent.
Texas and Florida both saw alot of crime from the Caribbean and Mexico, this lead to them each sending peace keeping forces to these areas that soon become invasion forces to conquer territory. The president of Florida amended the Florida consitution to say that presidents rule for life, he later will change it to make him an Emperor but the hriving economy and national pride make people accept it. America began to face large scale riots in the west coast and the New England area. Matial law was declared and This sparked a revolution. the syndicalist Socialist Communal Republics or the SSCR declared its independance from America, this also brought in Texas who viewed it as there duty to retake all of America, and the SSCR revolts broke out in Canada as well.
Florida wanting to own all of the continent and set up a new Rome also entered the war. Quebec stayed out, as well as a small midwest break away nation declared it's independance. You are 4 star general John G. Coburn, Save America.