Schweizerisch: 2001 A European odyssey

Created by trinasi (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 6/6/2021
Number of attempts: 189
Number of wins: 66
Number of likes: 10
Record holder: schlörpp in 39 turns on 6/6/2021


An alternative History scenario where Hitler escaped to Argentina and later Brazil. In Brazil in the 1960's Hitler ordered Josef Mengele to create a clone of him, one attempt was succesful. Hitler died but the clone was raised to be him again. In 2001 when 9/11 happened and America was already distracted with that, The new Hitler went back to Germany, although he was met with sceptisism about his realness and the fact that Germany did not desire him as a leader anymore, but He changed his identity to that of a German man from the mountains of the Swiss Alps, and with the help of his Nazi allies in Brazl he funds a campaign to be the president of the Swiss Confederation, and after a few large scale changes to the laws of Switserland he becomes the nations dictator for life. once again ready to fulfil his idea of autarky, living space, and German unity.
Strengthen the Swiss Economy and invade the nearby nations, Anschluss Austria and all of Germany and once the Swiss Empire is the strongest in Europe invade the east for there natural recourses and then in doing so, you shall maintain a 1,000 year empire.