LWC: Riots in Norden

Created by Lol (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 6/5/2021
Number of attempts: 201
Number of wins: 165
Number of likes: 20
Record holder: qs in 3 turns on 5/22/2023


(Liechtenstein World Conquest)

Operation Liechtenstein A

Liechtenstein is a confined country. Small, not much populated, heck you could rent the country. It’s disgusting, does the government even know what they’re doing? Heh. I doubt it. It’s time, we might be a bunch of no ones, but we still know what is right and wrong! It’s going to be hard though. No one knows who we are, it’s best to start small. Rioting seems like our best option, then people will know our existence, and maybe join. Even if we fallback, we need to do this! Let’s go to Norden!