WWII British Empire

Created by Pinecone333 (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0
Went public on 5/18/2021
Number of attempts: 78
Number of wins: 50
Number of likes: 12
Record holder: hi in 14 turns on 5/19/2021


Oi mate! Those cheeky German blokes have been acting a bit dodgy for a right while now, and now they've bloody gone and taken over Poland, which you bloody well just won't allow. Now that things on the continent have gone all to pot, it's time for the right proper Bri'ish Empire to get in there and show those Axis wankers what-for, eh? God save the Queen!

The sun never sets on the British Empire, but them silly French to the south are going to need your help to stay in the war after they get kicked out of Europe. Also those rowdy old colonies of yours are finally getting off their arses to come and help out 'cause the Japanese right proper bombed one of their harbors and sank a buncha battleships--jolly rotten luck, that. Them cheeky Japanese gits are also coming for your right proper colonies in the great down under--bugger!

Will you fight to keep a toehold in Europe against those German buggers, fighting them on the beaches and all that? Will you take on Europe's soft underbelly by knocking those pesky Italians out of Africa? Will you take on the Japs in the Pacific to prove that it's Britania that rules the waves? The choice is yours, guvnah!