World War Z: Zombies 1

Created by Lol (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 4/11/2021
Number of attempts: 283
Number of wins: 244
Number of likes: 24
Record holder: andrea in 5 turns on 4/11/2021


2022 June 28.
The country of Bosnia and Herzegovina discovered a type of rabies which was known as “Rabies-XL” However it quickly was referred to as “Zombie” after animals affected by it started turning Green and biting other animals heads. The virus broke out of a laboratory in New Zealand, and started a world wide infection, starting with South Island. It went undetected at 1st, but was quickly detected as humans started turning Green and Wild. Your job for right now is too secure southern South Island before people start noticing.