Luna Wars Finale

Created by AmyRosaila (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 2/16/2021
Number of attempts: 69
Number of wins: 61
Number of likes: 3
Record holder: Andrea in 6 turns on 2/16/2021


After re-uniting the whole of Ursa:Luna, you'd think everything would be fine, right? Wrong.

The Grand Cyan Lodge backstabbed you, exiling you from Ursa:Cyan and raising massive amounts of armies to do what they were originally preventing. Oppressing the people.

It's now your job to re-take Ursa:Cyan and bring peace back to Ursa:Luna! Good luck!

(As this is the final level of the set, this will be more difficult than usual.)