Indonesian Mass Killings of 1965-1966

Created by Edouard (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 2/2/2021
Number of attempts: 34
Number of wins: 24
Number of likes: 4
Record holder: Steo Hat in 3 turns on 2/2/2021


On the evening of 30 September 1965, a group of militants staged a coup against the pro-West, anti-Sukarno military. However the effort was a fiasco as Suharto quickly quashed the coup. President Sukarno, who had tried to balance between the Communist Party(PKI) and the anti-communist military, had his influence waned due to conflicting and weak leadership he displayed in the incident. Suharto swiftly seized power and blamed the PKI for plotting the coup,and orchestrated a bloody purge against the PKI. The PKI, a powerful mass party at that time, had 3.5 million members and 23.5 members in affiliated organisations. Witness accounts suggested widespread incarceration, torture, multilation and execution. Death toll ranges from 50,0000 to two million, the variation a result of Indonesian censorship(it still censors the topic today) and indifference of Free World scholarship. More than that number were imprisoned for years, sometimes 10+.At the time, the Free World reacted favorably(what did you expect from a free world proping up the likes of Pinochet,Franco,Salazar,Trujillo,Batista,Motubu,Apartheid SA,S.Rodhesia,feudal monarchs of Saudi Arabia, Iran,Jordan,Morrocco,juntas in Colombia, Argentina, Guatemala,Honduras,El Salvador,Peru,Thailand,Pakistan...), with Time Magazine reporting Suharto's rise as "The West's Best News for Years". Sympathy was negligible, due to a cocktail of anti communism and rascism. Even today, the massacre remains little-known in the West and there is no powerful lobby demanding justice.
Recommendation: search "Indonesian mass killings of 1956-1966" on your search engine