WW4 UN 3. African standoff

Created by Pinguin Joe (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 1/28/2021
Number of attempts: 126
Number of wins: 68
Number of likes: 5
Record holder: konan in 9 turns on 1/31/2021


Democratic Republic of the Congo

Commander! We have been attacked by enemy forces from Antarctica! They have Nazi imagery emboldened onto their vehicles and their land troops resemble Nazi soldiers too closely. We have learnt that they speak a form of German and we are attempting to decipher their transmissions. However, we do not have time to gawk at the implications! Commander! They are preparing to break through our lines and enter the rest of Africa through us! We cannot afford to retreat or fail and we must push them out of Africa now!