Clash of Titans (Islands of the King)

Created by Jose (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 1/6/2021
Number of attempts: 371
Number of wins: 22
Number of likes: 6
Record holder: qegstuwe in 44 turns on 1/12/2021


The King's Archipelago, legend has it that a lost ancient civilization used to live here. Some pirates looking to hit it big are scavenging the island. However they all want the riches to themselves and are fighting it out. The locals have asked the local navy to save their homes from from the ravaging pirates. You were dispatched to settle the dispute, only the pirates are not your run of the mill pirates you were expecting. Those bosses you have previously beaten are the ones rampaging

Thought one boss was tough? Face off against all of them in one epic showdown. Fortunately, they are having a power struggle with one another because they don't want to share the spoils. Subjugate them and save the locals. Good luck Captain