Battle of Divine Teamwork

Created by Jose (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 1/4/2021
Number of attempts: 775
Number of wins: 134
Number of likes: 24
Record holder: joevdw in 20 turns on 11/3/2021


In a distant land, two gods co-rule a peaceful world. It's too peaceful and they are bored of it, so they decide to have a contest, where they choose random people to work in teams and battle it out for control of the continents. You have been chosen and all your companions seem oddly robotic, barely any interaction. Work with your "robotic" comrades and bring victory for your team to win the favor of the two gods in this battle.

Challenge Hint: The battle settings favors those who can keep their team intact