Iraq Insurgency (1991)

Created by The_New_Kaiser (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 12/28/2020
Number of attempts: 133
Number of wins: 99
Number of likes: 19
Record holder: Sam in 2 turns on 12/28/2020


A series of popular uprisings in Iraq during a ceasefire in the gulf war.The mostly uncoordinated insurgency was fueled by the perception that "president for life" Saddam Hussein was vulnerable for regime change. This perception of weakness was largely the result of the outcome of 2 prior wars, the iran-iraq war and the gulf war. a coalition was formed among the left wing Ba'athist, Assyrian Democratic faction, Islamic faction, communist and deserters would join them. in the north, the Kurds continued their fight for independence.