WoP. Western Republic Pt.7

Created by Gamer8388 (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 12/28/2020
Number of attempts: 35
Number of wins: 29
Number of likes: 1
Record holder: FU in 12 turns on 12/28/2020


Date: June 18th, 2039
Place: New London
Operation: Swift

Landig in Europe was successful, yes. But there are still some things we have to finish, before moving further inland. For once, there still is Arab League to take care of. Secondly, we were asked by Oceanian Community to support their island-hoping campaign against Russia-China Union. So it will be time for you to show your abilities, as you will be commanding two completely different operations on two sides of the world. Do your best then.