Alternate History WW1

Created by benjino (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 11/23/2020
Number of attempts: 89
Number of wins: 61
Number of likes: 5
Record holder: Øyvind in 8 turns on 11/23/2020


In this alternate history, Austria won the Austro-Prussia war. Austria annexed Silesia, Bavaria, and Saxony. Denmark took back Schleswig-Holstein, but was later conquered by Sweden. In 1904 France and The United Kingdom formed a union and became one country. In 1914 Prussia made demands for its former lands back, which Sweden and Austria refused. Due to a border disagreement in Finland, Russia backed Prussia's claims, in order to weaken Sweden. The Franco-British Union reluctantly sided with Austria, In exchange for trade deals and with the promise that Austria would work to de-escalate tensions. As this happens there is a surge of communist uprisings in the Ottoman empire, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Africa, and parts of France. Prussia makes an agreement to recognize the communist areas as a nation in exchange for them distracting the allies of Austria. With Prussia assuming that they have an easy victory they Push into there former lands.