New Rome: 2025 Crisis

Created by benjino (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 11/22/2020
Number of attempts: 249
Number of wins: 166
Number of likes: 17
Record holder: jv in 10 turns on 11/23/2020


In the year 2023 America falls into civil war. Shortly after NATO and the UN fall apart do to conflicts erupting between nations. China's economy collapses due to the civil war in America. Russia falls into a civil war and it tears the nation apart. Italy fills the power vacuum in Europe and quickly expands its borders. In 2025 America and Russia are still in civil wars, parts of Asia have became heavily militarized due to the conflicts in china spilling out into there border.
In 2025 Italy invades the UK, the UK government in exile flees to Australia. Australia has not been touched by the conflicts around the world. The Italian navy has been spotted off the coast of Australia, and The Australian Secret Intelligence Service has found information that Italy plans on invading Australia. Due to the growing threat of Italy, Australia's government passed a vote to stop Italy. Australia has to defeat Italy to stop them from world domination.