Biden vs Trump Debate [Fact Check]

Created by Ocean0.1 (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 9/30/2020
Number of attempts: 124
Number of wins: 112
Number of likes: 5
Record holder: Craig Morris in 2 turns on 9/30/2020


It is with all of the honor in his illustrious career that spans nearly 25% of the nation's history, that Joseph Biden performs a 3rd attempt at the highest office in the free world. (Biden started his career in 1968, 21.3% of the nation’s history. It is true that it is his third attempt.)

Launching his campaign on a strong {but false} narrative that Donald J Trump did not disavow white supremacy, Mr. Biden took an early 10 point {40 to 60} lead in the polls. (RCP averages have Biden up 6.1, with him getting 49.9% compared to Trump’s 43.3 [1]. FiveThirtyEight has Biden leading by 7.1%, with him getting 50.2% compared to Trump’s 43.2% [2].)

To make things complicated, Biden is a doddering old senile fool. He is in a constant state of complete fog. (Biden’s convention speech [3].

However, Donald J Trump is a superior candidate in all areas. He doesn't make gaffes left and right (referred to 9/11 as seven eleven, spelt his wife’s name incorrectly, his weird windmill sounds and talking about windmill cancer, claiming to have the world’s greatest memory and forgetting he said that, and suggesting that the Finland’s leader said to clear forest floors to prevent forest fires, raking away the leaves, which the Finnish leader didn’t say [4]). Ironically, Biden doesn't condemn Antifa violence, even though Biden continually, and falsely, claims that Trump doesn't condemn white supremacy. (This is False, there is video footage of Biden denouncing Antifa violence [5]) Trump calls for law and order, and Biden nominates women that advocate for bailing out rioters (This is true).

Further, Trump has a capable Vice President with real executive leadership as a Governor (Under Mike Pence’s leadership, he made an HIV outbreak in his state worse. It was recommended to have a needle exchange program, but state law prohibited it. The Planned Parenthood clinic, which was the only testing provider in the area, closed down due to state cuts by Pence. In November 2014, the first infection of HIV of the virus was diagnosed. Pence still