Restart | Chapter 2: Collapse

Created by Blu3_Skittl3s (all)
State: Retired
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 9/20/2020
Number of attempts: 78
Number of wins: 72
Number of likes: 8
Record holder: Ich in 4 turns on 9/22/2020


Only 2 hours after the war were needed to unleash chaos in the streets, anarchy is no longer utopic in this world, the winners of the war are breaking in parts, all the unions, federations, coalitions and republics started to disband, separatist states dismember the last states, there isnt even time to do a map without new states popping out each hour. The last united governments remaining are the European Union, and the Cape-Namib Republic, both of them have made a pact to resist the anarchist movements and separatist states, but the distance between them is very long to help each other. The Moscow Resistance for Freedom (MRF) is a pacifist group at what was European Russia, the MRF allied with the European Union to join the pact against the chaos, but they arent interested in becoming a united government. Muslim radicalists from the Maghreb Union, the People's Republic of Iran, the Arabian Federation and the Kazakhstan Republic started guerrilla warfares against the European Union and the MRF. The Arabian Federation is conquering small states at the east coast of Africa and is in direction to take out the Cape-Namib Republic. Resisting is now impossible, we only can fight.

(You will play as the European Union, the MRF and the Cape-Namib Republic will help you defeat the Islamic radicalists