The Road to Power #5

Created by Steve Redhat (all)
State: Retired
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 9/25/2020
Number of attempts: 72
Number of wins: 62
Number of likes: 8
Record holder: jj idll cr in 13 turns on 9/25/2020


After brutally suppressing the uprising, you seek to expand your kingdom. First, you consider the kingdom to your north as it is coastal as yours is and has rivers flowing from most of the interior. The problem with it though is that it would be hard to keep order in the mountain region. You are about to consider anther when you hear of an internal struggle in the river kingdom to your north west. A territory dispute between two houses on your boarder had gone violent and the ruling house of the kingdom intervened in order to expand their own personal territory. The territory is perfect for conquest, as it is filled with easily navigable rivers that are connected to the sea in which your kingdom lies next to. You immediately secretly gather as many professional soldiers as possible for the invasion before they find out you intend to invade.