Rise of the Spanish Empire #1: Covadonga

Created by JafferPro (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 9/4/2020
Number of attempts: 107
Number of wins: 93
Number of likes: 5
Record holder: DEMONSTRATOR in 3 turns on 9/4/2020


718 A.D - The Troops of the Almighty Pelayo are apostated in their camps in Covadonga, the cold air passes all around their housings. In the base of the mountains, far enough from them to hear them, the troops of the Caliphate march towards the troops of Pelayo, they aren’t prepared for the cold weather, but they are bravely trained to attack in any landscape. The Asturians know they will probably die, but they will bravely fight for their religion and their faith. A big battle awaits in the cold lands of Asturias