Population Wars X (Description)

Created by Frozen Mage (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 9/26/2020
Number of attempts: 119
Number of wins: 95
Number of likes: 11
Record holder: horst in 4 turns on 9/26/2020


This time a World War Z type scenario, based on a population map of Iceland in Reddit. Basically, Icelanders who fled in time and the expats have attempted to return to the Island, which is one of the most infested regions in post-WWZ era. They are accompanied by UN zombie cleansing taskforce in order to try out new tactics and assist in mission. But there is a reason why Iceland is the most infested from danger zones, and it seems that zombies are gathering in swarms again after hearing sounds of humans... Who will win in The Reclamation War?