Spartacus v. Rome 71 B.C.

Created by (deleted) (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 8/4/2020
Number of attempts: 242
Number of wins: 55
Number of likes: 17
Record holder: schlörpp in 33 turns on 8/15/2020


You are Spartacus, located in Metapontum with 90,000 troops, along with 30,000 more in Taranto commanded by Crixus. The Cilician pirates have betrayed you. Rome is determined to eliminate you and the rebellion.
Eight legions, commanded by Marcus Licinius Crassus are being sent from Rome, as well as eight more from Brundisium commanded by Marcus Terentius Varro Lucullus, and lastly, Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus has six legions stationed in Rhegium, in hopes to catch you in the middle and crush you.
Either attempt escape from Italy, (considering yourself victorious) or go for the grand prize, Rome.