Axis in Africa I

Created by Balthromaw (all)
State: Public
AI: Cowzow
Went public on 7/30/2020
Number of attempts: 73
Number of wins: 1
Number of likes: 3
Record holder: ad2046 in 45 turns on 7/31/2020


Brunette Mussolini ordered to attack Africa. The first step is conquering the North: you are tasked to attack West from Libia, while your ally will attack Egypt. Jean Joseph Marie Gabriel de Lattre de Tassigny, the leader of anti-Axis French troops in Africa, gathered the few troops he had and build defensive fortifications. You must penetrate his defences and complete your mission before British reinforcements arrive.

Tip: 400 army riftlemen reperesent fortresses. They can't move, consider outmaneuvering them,