Spanish Succession Wars

Created by iki (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 6/6/2020
Number of attempts: 340
Number of wins: 25
Number of likes: 12
Record holder: GrndolcoNas in 24 turns on 6/6/2020


The king of Spain is dead! Having envied it's colonies for a long time, France, England and Portugal promptly declare war on Spain and each other. Not wanting to be left behind, the Dutch Republic immediately follows. Sensing an opportunity to grab more European lands, the Holy Roman Empire and Venice join the fray. Denmark, wishing to fish in warmer waters, finally also declares war on the other European powers. In this time of total war, who will come out on top and rule all of Europe and it's colonies? It is up to you!

In this scenario, you play as the Kingdom of Denmark. Use the fact that your native lands share few borders with your enemies to your advantage. You will have to choose your battles wisely: Will you choose to defend the few colonies that you have, to keep your empire intact? Or will you fall back and first focus on Europe?