Republic of New England: Inspiring Others

Created by Smitty65 (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 6/5/2020
Number of attempts: 114
Number of wins: 99
Number of likes: 7
Record holder: Stanlyboy in 12 turns on 6/6/2020


It's been five years since the unification of the republics that once made up the U.S., and as you live in Western Europe, all you can think about is how you want the same kind of unification and freedom where you live. Luckily, you are not the only one who thinks this, and now, in 2080, uprisings have begun in England. All you want to do is play your part in bringing freedom to those under the tyrannical rule of the Queen, who is somehow still alive at 154 year old. Will the English government be enough to put this civil war to a swift end, or will the people of England achieve freedom? Play to find out...