Republic of New England: Quelling Rebellions

Created by Smitty65 (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 6/5/2020
Number of attempts: 45
Number of wins: 40
Number of likes: 4
Record holder: Muli in 2 turns on 6/5/2020


After the Western and Eastern United Republics were able to take control of South America (2077 - 2078), the leaders of the two republics expected another world war to start, with them facing the rest of the world. However, none came, as the other countries around the world are still recovering from WWIII, and do not want to get involved in another global conflict. As their attention was diverted, those still loyal to the original governments setup after the collapse of the U.S. and those unhappy with their new lives in other countries in North America have begun to rebel. Put an end to these rebellions before they get out of hand...