Republic of New England: North America at War

Created by Smitty65 (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 6/4/2020
Number of attempts: 112
Number of wins: 59
Number of likes: 8
Record holder: BlastActionHero in 15 turns on 6/5/2020


Following the unification of the republics east of the Mississippi (and the Republic of Texas as well), the Republic of New England was reorganized into the Eastern United Republic. Wanting to avoid more war, an alliance pact was made between the Western and Eastern United Republics, named the "Republic Pact." Both sides agreed to not invade each other, and to be allies through major global conflict. However, the world powers began to take notice of the growing power from the former U.S., and became worried that the two Republics would become global super powers, just like their predecessor. The Canadian and Mexican Armies, as well as other North American Armies were ordered to invade the republics and take control of the newly formed republics, and if they succeed in taking them, all hope will be lost for the Republics' citizens. Don't let that happen...