Republic of New England: Conquest for Unification

Created by Smitty65 (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 6/3/2020
Number of attempts: 197
Number of wins: 163
Number of likes: 16
Record holder: Godzilla in 11 turns on 6/4/2020


Following the New England Civil War (2071 - 2073), other republics across the former U.S. began to take notice of their new governments, which were clearly not setup to support the people but to support the world powers that put them in place. With that being said, citizens began to voice their anger with these governments. The republics that were all west of the Mississippi River (except for the Republic of Texas) demanded reform and their leaders thrown out of office. They succeeded in doing this, and the unified to form the Western United Republic. On the other side of the Mississippi, the citizens took to Civil War as well. The people and new leaders of the Republic of New England (RNE) took note of this chaos, and decided that it would be best to strive unification of all republics east of the Mississippi, and so armies were dispatched out of the RNE to start taking control of these failing republics, but will that be enough? Play to find out...