The New England Civil War

Created by Smitty65 (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 6/3/2020
Number of attempts: 287
Number of wins: 138
Number of likes: 24
Record holder: Vonneta in 11 turns on 6/5/2020


After the collapse of the United States following WWIII (2059-2068), the former country was split and divided into new republics set to limit the power of the once global super power. These new countries/republics include; the Republic of New England, the Federation of Washington, the Republic of Texas, Dixie Land, the New United States Republic, the Dominion of New York, the Four Corners Republic, the Mississippi River Federation, and the Yellowstone Republic. Of all of the new places, the Republic of New England is the smallest, and now, just three years after the formation of the republic, it is at civil war. The government that was setup has failed the people of this republic, and now the people have turned on their leaders in each state capital, and are now going for control. Which former state will take control? Play to find out...