Alternate History Part 2: 1447

Created by Anavasi (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 6/9/2020
Number of attempts: 65
Number of wins: 54
Number of likes: 5
Record holder: chris in 5 turns on 6/9/2020


The Ottoman Empire is slowly expanding. To launch a counter-crusade, the Ottomans deal with Byzantium, Athens, Corfu, Naxos, Chios, Negroponte, Albania, Wallachia, Crete, the Knights, Dalmatia, Bosnia, and Serbia, all at the same time, while Ragusa aids the Ottomans. In Anatolia, the Ottomans deal with Candar, Karaman and Ramazan.

(Ragusa annexes Dalmatia, Zeta and Bosnia. Ottomans will annex the rest of Serbia, Wallachia, Albania, Corfu, Naxos, Byzantium, Athens, Negroponte, Crete, the Knights, Candar, and most of Karaman. Icel will be a puppet state of the Ottomans, controlling the territories of Icel and Adana.)