Unite South America

Created by Jayden (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 5/31/2020
Number of attempts: 109
Number of wins: 101
Number of likes: 10
Record holder: Jez in 4 turns on 5/31/2020


After the Great Latin American war, the continent is divided between 3 factions. The West, East and the South. After a series of armed conflicts and disputes with the Government of Brazil, the West and the South have decided to form the Spanish Alliance to wipe out the East. As the Western Faction, it's your job to focus on the Northern part of Brazil and it's puppet states, while your ally focuses on the south. Wipe out Brazil by messing with its bonuses, then move in for the kill. Good luck!

Difficulty level: Easy - For the Beginner