Ice wars 2.0

Created by Serbski Nacional (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 4/27/2020
Number of attempts: 106
Number of wins: 86
Number of likes: 7
Record holder: Godzilla in 2 turns on 4/27/2020


Much has changed. But not all. Two alliances, Four countries in one, two in the other. Egypt and India. Aztecs are Africans and Australia with Slavs. India was formed on the site of the colonies of Tibet. And she went along the path of union with Egypt, who went to her border. And he attacked the poor and weak Africans, who lived for themselves and sniffed flowers, digging roots, hunting bulls ... shorter than the living happily ever after. The Aztecs interceded with a colony in Africa given to the Africans. And Australia and the Slavs stood up for him. They started a war. For the defense of a defenseless country. The Africans are not stupid either, they created an army, so they will defend themselves from the enemy and not be crushed like an egg for Easter. Start a great game to protect Africa and not die by yourself.