Fighting the AI [read description]

Created by Balthromaw (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 4/10/2020
Number of attempts: 280
Number of wins: 66
Number of likes: 10
Record holder: Lepanto31 in 9 turns on 4/11/2020


How the AI attacks:
If AI has enough troops, it attacks all adjected territories with 2x more armies than you have in your territory. Rest of the armies goes to a random territory.

200 enemy horde borders your territories with 5, 10, 10, 15 armies (the amount of troops is before deploying). It may attack this way: 10, 20, 140, 30 - regardless of how you deploy.

How to fight big AI hordes: The best defence is doubling amount of armies in every territory bordering an enemy horde. If it borders 2 hordes, triple the amount of troops. This way you keep all but one territory bordering the horde.

-if you keep borders with the AI too huge (AI has 200 troops, you have 30, 30, 30), AI will split his big stack (60, 60, 80) and become harder to defeat.
-there is like 1% chance that the AI will split huge stack into 2. Nontheless, the chance is negligible.
-if the AI deploys lots of troops on one territory, it will attack differently and less predictable (it actually will split troops, but only these recieved by deploying. If AI has 1k troops on territory and deploys 100, it can attack 1067, 30, 3; but never 333, 333, 434).

How to win this:
Double the amount of troops on every adjected territory to the enemy horde (0*2 = 1 in this case). Keep your big stacks away from the horde.