Kahsik the Great and his conquests

Created by {N.W.} Hi (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 3/1/2020
Number of attempts: 71
Number of wins: 69
Number of likes: 4
Record holder: TheSoundBoard in 2 turns on 3/1/2020


As Kahsik stepped off the stage everybody laughed and called the new leader a fool so he took advice from Edsos the wise and told him that he needed to conquer the kingdom of Kajhus to gain power over the kingdoms around him and then the wind blowing harder than ever on the mountain of Gartoseljkd Edsos the wise walked off and a strong fog blew and clouds thunder
ed bolts of yellow lighting and he waited for the storm to pass and went to his office to plan the attacks.