Yashnag's Ambition ep. 3: The War of Three Crowns

Created by Violetta Gemeniescu (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 3/1/2020
Number of attempts: 99
Number of wins: 78
Number of likes: 12
Record holder: Spud in 7 turns on 3/2/2020


It had been years since the Mages of Elinhir instigated the attack on Yashnag's Tribe, now turned Kingdom of the Valley of Scars, and he had grown quite comfortable in this period of peace. Many of the Displaced Orismer came to settle the harsh valley and be able to once again forge their own destinies. Yashnag's youngest Son, Moghakh, had become a young adventurer, and it was on a adventure that Moghakh met a young woman whom had taken his breath. It just so happened that she was also the daughter of King Garothmuk,king of Farrun and another aspiring Orismer whom had stayed in Highrock, attempting to rebuilding Orsinium. Yashnag was willing to ignore Farrun's pleds for aid against the reachmen until an army from King Donvar of Scarhammer rallied on his border. It was also during this time that King Weynon of Northpoint decided to launch an expedition against both the Orismer and Reachmen of Northern Highrock.