WW3 Russia #5

Created by Katz89 (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 2/22/2020
Number of attempts: 61
Number of wins: 52
Number of likes: 4
Record holder: T in 11 turns on 2/22/2020


Our oil has been secured, however the US has taken notice. They've launched an invasion of the Middle East to secure the oil for themselves, and have already made great progress. We must push them back to the sea, and soon before their reinforcements arrive. Our puppets are on our side, however since our commanders are busy planning the invasion of Europe we have entrusted command of the war to the Kurds alongside a decent force. They are on their own for the most part outside of that, but our forces are also helping out in Iran and Georgia, so if they can survive the first wave and attack before the second, then they have a decent chance at winning.