WW3 Russia #4

Created by Katz89 (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 2/22/2020
Number of attempts: 16
Number of wins: 15
Number of likes: 1
Record holder: tulupulu in 5 turns on 2/22/2020


Iran has fallen and been divided between us and the Arabian Union. However we still are lacking oil, and the Arabian Union is the best source of it. This is why we have decided to invade Arabia and seize their oil fields. A Kurdish rebellion has broken out in the Arabian Union, and with some manipulation we have managed to make them our puppet. Our puppet army is on our side, and soon so will Arabia. Turkey and Moldova are also on the target list, as they are easy to conquer and not aligned with any major powers.