WW3 Russia #1

Created by Katz89 (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 2/17/2020
Number of attempts: 35
Number of wins: 29
Number of likes: 3
Record holder: Kallo Blomquist in 6 turns on 2/18/2020


This is the first level in the Russian series for WW3, which will be but one of multiple series following certain groups or nations during the chaotic event of WW3.

Russia has been a declining power for a long time, and not since the USSR have we been truly a great threat outside of that provided by our nuclear arsenal. Now that a deal has been made which has forced us to destroy our arsenal(along with everyone else), we have nothing left to hold our power. If we do not make moves soon, our power will surely fall into the history books as well as our empire. However we are not dead yet, and while the EU has recently united under one flag, our neighbors in the Baltic and Ukraine have not chosen to join in. They are easy targets, and our forces, alongside our puppets forces in Belarus and a rebellion in Ukraine backed by us, will easily steamroll any opposition from these breakaway states.