Thirteenth Crusade (please read description)

Created by Joshua (all)
State: Retired
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 1/24/2020
Number of attempts: 21
Number of wins: 20
Number of likes: 1
Record holder: zoopokemon in 4 turns on 1/24/2020


When we defeated the Muslim League in the Twelfth Crusade, we decided to be merciful and only convert some of their countries into puppet states.
However, it was a mistake on our part, because now they have reunited to attack our puppet states and 'reclaim' their former lands, a mistake on their part which also cost us quite a lot of casualties.
The Muslims also made the mistake of letting Pakistan start another war with India while the rest of them were invading our puppet states.
Still, to be fair, the Indians did invade Bangladesh after having united with Nepal and Bhutan to allegedly "protect them from China".
Now, before the Muslim majorities in our puppet states begin rebelling too, show them that it would be a mistake to do so. To war!