New Roman Empire [3]: Italy

Created by Rheaegagrus (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 8/8/2020
Number of attempts: 223
Number of wins: 58
Number of likes: 10
Record holder: ad2046 in 7 turns on 8/8/2020


Rome for the Romanians!

Things have gone very poorly. The USSR has forced us to release Bessarabia and that vulture Hungary has demanded Transylvania. We had to give in to Russia fully, and with Germany on Hungary's side we had to give in to them as well.
With these political embarassments Italy has demanded that we enter into a more subserviant role in our union. Though we can't allow that to happen, neither of us want to lose too many troops. This will be more difficult than we anticipated...