Gotham Fight (Croc)

Created by Lasermancer (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 11/14/2019
Number of attempts: 431
Number of wins: 3
Number of likes: 3
Record holder: Lepanto31 in 26 turns on 11/14/2019


Born with scales instead of skin, a boy named Waylon Jones was bullied by children, rejected by his parents. Never to have felt love nor friendship. The only reactions he got were hate and disgust. After his classmates threw him into sewers, he decided that it would be the best, if he simply stayed there. So he did.
Now, several years later, sewers are being reconstructed, which means that Croc's (how he likes to refer to himself now) home is being demolished. Flued by anger and injustice, Croc decides to fight back. What is the point of tolerating the existence of creatures, which know only hatred?
It's up to Batman and his friends to save Gotham' citizens from Croc's rampage.