Blood, Sweat, and Tears (15)

Created by Darkruler2005 (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 9/3/2020
Number of attempts: 129
Number of wins: 48
Number of likes: 10
Record holder: vasyapupkin in 17 turns on 9/3/2020


The rebellion has been quelled. You should probably be a little more careful in the future.

You're extremely tired but feel the need to walk around the castle to explore a bit more. You stumble upon a room for what seems to be the Grand Council. These men must have assisted the old king all these years. Of course, they are long gone.

Or are they? A howl fills the castle as an enormous ghostly figure arises and begins to take on physical form. Just before you run the heck out of there, you hear it say "the Master of Ships has returned". You set up a weak blockade and inform your allies to raise the alarms. Tame this creature.