Blood, Sweat, and Tears (16)

Created by Darkruler2005 (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 9/7/2020
Number of attempts: 220
Number of wins: 86
Number of likes: 10
Record holder: Mark in 20 turns on 9/8/2020


After it causing much destruction, you finally put the Master of Ships to rest. It seems like that it recognizes that you are the new king and will join you in the future on the Grand Council, provided you promise to help the remaining members find peace.

Your southern scouts return with news of House Baratheon having declared war on the entire Stormlands. The scouts report that they intend to awaken an ancient power in Summerhall, and the rest of the Stormlands wasn't too keen on accepting that. Whatever it is, it sounds like preventing them from getting to Summerhall would benefit you and may even gain you some trust in the Stormlands.

Your allies cannot currently assist but told you if you send some troops their way, they will be able to provide some help.