The great Nilfgaardian invasion

Created by Chronos (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 10/9/2019
Number of attempts: 175
Number of wins: 21
Number of likes: 9
Record holder: desertfox1089 in 17 turns on 1/7/2021


It's a time of darkness on the Continent. The Empire of Nilfgaard, coming from the south, walking on the ashes of the feebles destroyed kingdoms, is now menacing the realms in the North. Temeria, recently weakened by the murder of his king, is on the frontline. But it won't be alone on this upcoming war, as Redania, Aedirn, Kaedwen, Kovir and Skellige are about to take part in the fight.
Who can say if the North will become a Nilfgaardian province ?