rise of bengal : part 6 : indian war

Created by BLACKMOON (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 8/31/2019
Number of attempts: 132
Number of wins: 130
Number of likes: 10
Record holder: Dragon63 in 2 turns on 8/31/2019


our brothers in west bengal are calling for help, the indians are taxing the people a lot!, no wonder why the old corrupt government was close to india, even though west bengal has a slight difference in language, and they are of a different religion, we are still bengalis, this operation will give a significant boost to the economy and our overall evrything. indian force will be much busy since of the war, we will be only taking the southern part, the north is reinforced with many troops since it doesnt want to seperate from its east.