rise and fall of the French Empire, part 7

Created by BossUser2 (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 8/14/2019
Number of attempts: 61
Number of wins: 58
Number of likes: 5
Record holder: koning in 4 turns on 8/15/2019


Now that we have liberated Russia and taken Poland we now have one objective left, victory over the French Empire, this will be very difficult to achieve, the French army is still the strongest in the world and they have several buffer states to protect them, lucky for us the French army is currently busy fighting the British in Iberia, we have allied with the Ottoman empire who wanted revenge after being beaten by France and we are now ready to launch an offensive into Europe, unfortunately the French have taken over central Europe and established puppet states there, if we want to march through Europe and take Paris we shall have to fight our way through Austria and Germany.