Rise and fall of the French Empire, part 5

Created by BossUser2 (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 8/6/2019
Number of attempts: 593
Number of wins: 589
Number of likes: 10
Record holder: megafish in 5 turns on 8/6/2019


We have secured our dominance over europe, after we beat the Austrians and Turks we took land from Austria, forced Austria to be a puppet state, and forced the Turks to pay reparations, later on we fully integrated our Poland and Naples and took over the rest of Italy, with you winning us victory after victory you are no longer just the elected leader of our nation, you have now been crowned emperor, now it is time to end the last threat to our rule on the continent, we shall invade Russia and ensure our position of the master of europe, to Moscow we march.