Alternate History of Brazil 49 - Paraguay War XIX

Created by Alex Costa (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 7/24/2019
Number of attempts: 109
Number of wins: 95
Number of likes: 4
Record holder: Gincompetent in 8 turns on 7/25/2019


Capitulo VII - A Guerra do Paraguai
Parte XIX - O Cerco de Humaitá

A Fortaleza de Humaitá foi uma fortificação construida por engenheiros brasileiros em uma curva do Rio Paraguai, a fortaleza é um dos obstáculos até a capital Assunção, protegida por 2500 soldados essa será uma batalha dificil.

Chapter VII-The War of Paraguay
Part XIX-The Siege of Humaitá

The fortress of Humaitá was a fortification built by Brazilian engineers on a curve of the Paraguay River, the fortress is one of the obstacles to the capital Asunción, protected by 2500 soldiers this will be a difficult battle.