Alternate History of Brazil 43 - Paraguay War XIII

Created by Alex Costa (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 7/17/2019
Number of attempts: 72
Number of wins: 72
Number of likes: 1
Record holder: Douglas Rishell in 1 turns on 7/17/2019


Capitulo VII - A Guerra do Paraguai
Parte XIII - A Invasão aliada no Paraguai

Após meses de guerras finalmente conseguimos invadir o territorio inimigo, sob o comando do General Manuel Luis Osório nossas tropas adentram em um territorio desconhecido.

Chapter VII-The War of Paraguay
Part XIII-The Allied invasion in Paraguay

After months of wars we finally managed to invade the enemy territory, under the command of General Manuel Luis Osório Our troops enter an unknown territory.