Alternate History of Brazil 41 - Paraguay War XI

Created by Alex Costa (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 7/17/2019
Number of attempts: 61
Number of wins: 57
Number of likes: 2
Record holder: [NL] The Red TAXCF in 2 turns on 7/17/2019


Capitulo VII - A Guerra do Paraguai
Parte XI - O inicio da Libertação de Corrientes

Os aliados avançam para a retomada de Corrientes, reforços para o exercito Paraguaio chegam para tentar parar o avanço dos aliados.

Chapter VII-The War of Paraguay
Part XI-The beginning of the liberation of Corrientes

The Allies advance to the resumption of Corrientes, reinforcements for the Paraguayan army arrive to try to stop the advancement of the Allies.