Alternate History of Brazil 40 - Paraguay War X

Created by Alex Costa (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 7/17/2019
Number of attempts: 96
Number of wins: 78
Number of likes: 5
Record holder: Gincompetent in 9 turns on 7/17/2019


Capitulo VII - A Guerra do Paraguai
Parte X - O Cerco de Uruguaiana

Impossibilitado de continuar sua invasão no Rio Grande do Sul, o General Estigarribia ordena suas tropas para que se fortifiquem na cidade de Uruguaiana, entre os dias 16 de julho a 18 de setembro os aliados cercam as tropas do General Estigarribia.

Chapter VII - The War of Paraguay
Part X - The Siege of Uruguaiana

Unable to continue its invasion in Rio Grande do Sul, General Estigarribia orders his troops to be strengthened in the city of Uruguaiana, between July 16th and September 18th, the Allies surround the troops of General Estigarribia.